Scientific Atheism for Believers

The evolution of the modern human mind is one of the last great mysteries to mankind. As humans developed language so did our ability to try to grasp an understanding of the world around us. Language played a vital and key role to separate modern man from all species before it. As our language became more complex an inner dialogue would have formed in the human mind. The magical nature of the development of this inner voice would lead to our ancestors turning to mysticism to explain what rapidly became a more complex world. Modern man would no longer only be reacting to stimuli of the world around them but a natural inclination to seek answers as to the logic of the world that they perceive. Only naturally would this lead to the worship of Gods and eventually the formation of religion. Evolution formed this most unique of minds that allowed us to develop an inner voice. Religion helped focus mankind. Religion made a cruel world civil. Religion gave great comfort to the poor masses and great power to the kings and lords. Mankind would create societies that would grow and advance despite the stranglehold of religious ideology encaging mankind.

Man must accept that religion is a fallacy created by the extraordinary complexity of our own evolutionarily developed consciousness. Man must accept this fallacy as a historical footnote of our existence. However, the time to look for our answers elsewhere is now. Man must turn to science to solve the mysteries of the universe and solve the mental quandary that is our existence. Where religion has brought order and simplicity to many people’s lives, science is messy and cold. The answers are not as obvious, not near as simple. While religion simply answers questions by asking the convert to leap, science requires research and questioning and review. The answers are often much less certain and only raise more questions. We must continue to strive to answer all questions and not simply take a leap of faith that we have ascertained all of the answers. Science will not comfort us or treat us like children or sheep. Science will not pretend to answer the finality of our personal existence. This will require an acceptance that our commitments to the world have been a factor in improving the society that surrounds us and lengthening the existence of mankind. We have to accept that upon our passing, no magical place exists for us to ascend to. Our societal accomplishments will pass into the world that will continue on without us. We must accept that our deeds were part of the greater good and the human race is better for us having been a part of it.

Physicists and philosophers are still straining to prove the existence of our shared reality. Our perceived worlds collide often succinctly and truthfully giving us a shared reality of a world that likely exists. However, sometimes our perceptions and explanations of the world around us conjure falsely giving us a combined world which distinctly does not exist. Religion is one these instances. The time for society as a whole to choose is upon us. Carrying on the socially constructed religious path is the easier of choices. The harder choice lies in accepting scientific realism as our intellectual and emotional foundation. Imagine what can happen if society allows a much larger swath of the human populace to acquire the freedom to think scientifically. I may not be a scientist but I believe in science. “Scientific Atheism for Believers” is not intended to inform, coerce, or influence scientist or religious believers. The intended audience are the great masses that fall somewhere between these two spectrums.

Religion is a zero sum game. Either God exists or he does not. There is no gray zone. Endowed into the universe exists a supernatural or mystical presence or there are only the rules of the universe that guide existence. Man’s machination of their imagination does not bring an existence to objects which have none. The world is a mysterious place to mankind who has but a limited knowledge and more limited perceptions. We must strive as a species to further our technological and scientific advancements to assure the survival of the human race. It is time for a mass societal evolution into an objective scientific mindset. The human race can take another gargantuan leap forward if we are able to reconstruct the human mind of the masses away from our generationally programmed social norms that encompass our beliefs, emotions, and ideals. We must call on and call out our politicians, CEO’s, and all our elite and visible members of society who continue to perpetuate our habituated levels of supernatural thought. We must convince members of society who excel in math, technology, finance, medicine, engineering, and all professions that an objective scientific order to the universe exists without supernatural structure. That this is the future of humanity. That human thinking and understanding must be taken to the next level. That it is time to awake our scientific soul.

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